July 14, 2023

DAMAC Launches Luxury Golf Greens Development at DAMAC Hills

DAMAC Launches Luxury Golf Greens Development at DAMAC Hills

DAMAC Properties, a leading Middle East developer, has announced the launch of Golf Greens, a new luxury residential development within its DAMAC Hills master community in Dubai. The project comprises three new towers offering apartments and townhouses with views of the Trump International Golf Club Dubai. DAMAC Hills is a 42 million square foot community located just off Umm Suqeim Road in Dubai. It...

Dubai Real Estate: A Hotspot for Global Investors and Tech-savvy Innovations

Dubai Real Estate: A Hotspot for Global Investors and Tech-savvy Innovations

Dubai, the cosmopolitan city of the UAE, has become a magnet for global investors, particularly from Britain, India, and Russia, who are driving the city's real estate market to new heights. At the same time, proptech startups are revolutionizing the market with AI-assisted property insights, making it easier than ever for investors to make informed decisions. The real estate market in Dubai has...

Dubai Real Estate Market: A Look at the Latest Trends and Developments

Dubai Real Estate Market: A Look at the Latest Trends and Developments

Dubai's real estate market is constantly evolving, with new trends and developments emerging every quarter. From skyrocketing rents to the launch of new branded residences, here's a closer look at some of the latest news and insights shaping the industry. Skyrocketing Rents in Dubai Dubai's rental market has been on an upward trajectory for several years, with many residents struggling to afford the...

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